Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Town Hall Meetings and other B.S.

I saw it on the news tonight that someone broke a leg at one of the Democratic town hall meetings. Apparently the man was protesting health care reform and got into a shoving match. He has no health insurance at all, the very thing he was protesting changing, and is now looking for donations to help pay his medical bills.
I'm very sorry this happened. No one should get hurt. On the other hand, no one is going to pay for to fix my teeth and they won't fix themselves. I, and 39,999,999 other Americans, do not have health insurance. And I can guarantee you that no insurance company in this country would allow someone to hire me if it means insuring me. I am 54 years old and I am fat. That has HEALTH HAZARD written all over it. Even if I did have insurance at this point, I'd be afraid to go to the dentist for fear that my insurance company won't pay to have that tooth removed, although it might pay to have the one next to it removed. That is if it wasn't infected and didn't need pulling. You get my point.
Okay, I am pissed off. One more time. I am pissed off about the lies, the hypocrisy and the stupidity that is happening in this nation. Death panels? Euthanasia? Forced sex changes and abortions? The very people who are pushing these lies to begin with are the people who are practising what they are protesting about. Ask around. You only need to talk to a handful of people before meeting someone who have been denied coverage for much needed procedures. Who do you think is dictating your care? Your doctor? WRONG. Ask Barak Obama how his mother died. Ask him how many hours she spent on the phone begging her insurance company to cover much needed care only to be denied again and again and again. No one should have to die like that. Not here. Not in this country. Unfortunately it happens day in and day out. The insurance companies call that doing business. I call it indiscriminate euthanasia. They aren't targeting old people. They are targeting profits.
They have tons of money to spend because they aren't paying it out to their insureds. What makes me more angry are the politicians with their hands out for lobbyist money. These are the ones who preach at us about Christian and family values. And then there are the jackasses on radio and TV who be cry the unfairness of it all. After all, Pelosi and Obama are Nazis, and God help us where the next phony birth certificate is coming from.
These outbreaks at town hall meetings were at first orchestrated. Now there's very angry people out there who have been lied to and are tired of it. The sorry part of it is that most of them have no clue when they were lied to and by whom. Most people attending these functions are either hard core Republicans, lobbyists or people who had no idea who their Senators or Congressmen were until they swallowed the euthanasia line hook, line and sinker.
What scares the hell out of me is that someone is going to get hurt. You have radio and TV morons on one side calling for action and damning anyone who disagrees with them as Nazis or unAmerican, and you have lunatics who think they're being called to action. From what I understand someone brought a gun to one of these events and left it behind. I can just see it. A riot or a nut job with a weapon. It's all the same. Someone will get hurt and guess who won't claim any responsibility even though they have been pushing it all along. It won't be the politicians, the lobbyists or hate TV and radio hosts.
Come on, people. Use some common sense. Who's into euthanasia? Where is it written? Well guess what? The bill isn't finished yet. Maybe if we had something concrete in front of us, it would help to sooth this argument. Until that time, people, use your brains. Think this through. The Democrats are far from guiltless in any situation. This, though, rests in the laps of the Republicans and the so called Blue Dog Democrats. And lets not forget the people who have the most to lose if health care reform goes through. And that's the people with the money. The lobbyists and the insurance companies.

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